There is no built-in formula in excel, you have to add a vb script and permanently save it with your MS. Excel's installation as Add-In.
Step1: press Alt+F11 Step2: MENU: (Tool Strip) Insert Module Step3: copy and paste the below code
Option Explicit
Public Numbers As Variant, Tens As Variant
Sub SetNums()
Numbers = Array("", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen", "Nineteen")
Tens = Array("", "", "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety")
End Sub
Function WordNum(MyNumber As Double) As String
Dim DecimalPosition As Integer, ValNo As Variant, StrNo As String
Dim NumStr As String, n As Integer, Temp1 As String, Temp2 As String
' This macro was written by Chris Mead -
If Abs(MyNumber) > 999999999 Then
WordNum = "Value too large"
Exit Function
End If
' String representation of amount (excl decimals)
NumStr = Right("000000000" & Trim(Str(Int(Abs(MyNumber)))), 9)
ValNo = Array(0, Val(Mid(NumStr, 1, 3)), Val(Mid(NumStr, 4, 3)), Val(Mid(NumStr, 7, 3)))
For n = 3 To 1 Step -1 'analyse the absolute number as 3 sets of 3 digits
StrNo = Format(ValNo(n), "000")
If ValNo(n) > 0 Then
Temp1 = GetTens(Val(Right(StrNo, 2)))
If Left(StrNo, 1) <> "0" Then
Temp2 = Numbers(Val(Left(StrNo, 1))) & " hundred"
If Temp1 <> "" Then Temp2 = Temp2 & " and "
Temp2 = ""
End If
If n = 3 Then
If Temp2 = "" And ValNo(1) + ValNo(2) > 0 Then Temp2 = "and "
WordNum = Trim(Temp2 & Temp1)
End If
If n = 2 Then WordNum = Trim(Temp2 & Temp1 & " thousand " & WordNum)
If n = 1 Then WordNum = Trim(Temp2 & Temp1 & " million " & WordNum)
End If
Next n
NumStr = Trim(Str(Abs(MyNumber)))
' Values after the decimal place
DecimalPosition = InStr(NumStr, ".")
Numbers(0) = "Zero"
If DecimalPosition > 0 And DecimalPosition < Len(NumStr) Then
Temp1 = " point"
For n = DecimalPosition + 1 To Len(NumStr)
Temp1 = Temp1 & " " & Numbers(Val(Mid(NumStr, n, 1)))
Next n
WordNum = WordNum & Temp1
End If
If Len(WordNum) = 0 Or Left(WordNum, 2) = " p" Then
WordNum = "Zero" & WordNum
End If
End Function
Function GetTens(TensNum As Integer) As String
' Converts a number from 0 to 99 into text.
If TensNum <= 19 Then
GetTens = Numbers(TensNum)
Dim MyNo As String
MyNo = Format(TensNum, "00")
GetTens = Tens(Val(Left(MyNo, 1))) & " " & Numbers(Val(Right(MyNo, 1)))
End If
End Function
After this, From File Menu select Save Book, from Save As Type select "Excel 97-2003 Add-In (*.xla)
It will save as Excel Add-In. Close Ms. Excel and reopen it.
Click on Developer Menu - click Add-Ins Toolbar and tick on Numbword then click Ok.
Now Open any Excel File in any Cell type [ =WordNum()]
you will see a Words equivalent of the numeric value.
//This Snippet of code is taken from link
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